Farewell to John John

February 14, 2025
Danny O'Flaherty
This short album, Farewell to John John, tells of the life and tragic loss of John John  Kennedy, beloved son of John and Jackie Fitzgerald Kennedy. Included on the album is a haunting original aire composed by Danny in memory of the many fishermen, including his Uncle Dan O’Flaherty, who drowned off the cliffs and coastlines of The Aran Islands. Also written by Danny is Siochain San Domain (Peace in the World). It is about a world without war, conflict or hunger so our children can live in peace and harmony. Lastly, Tears in the Wind is another original, slow aire composed for a movie about Richard Rowland Kirkland known as  “The Angel of Marye’s Heights”. He was a soldier during the American Civil War noted for his bravery and the story of his humanitarian actions during the Battle of Fredericksburg.
Track List
  1. A Farewell to John John
  2. Cliffs of Aran
  3. Siochain San Domain (Peace in the World)
  4. Tears in the Wind

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Copyright 2024 - Danny O'Flaherty (Hybrasyl Productions)