Hello everyone, I’m so sorry but we will need to postpone my upcoming shows.
Under the advice of my doctors and my family, as well as with the deepest concerns over the safety of YOU, my fans, the risk of spread for the coronavirus is just too great at this time.
I am disappointed, but also looking forward to seeing you soon when we RESCHEDULE!
We will be processing refunds for those of you who purchased tickets through EventBrite shortly.
In the meantime keep tuned in to our social media and website. (We are working on a special something for you, more details soon.)
– Beannachtai Daoibh, Danny
Dear Danny,
We were so saddened to learn about the cancellation at the Deutsches Haus in NOLA. We celebrated by listening to you and others at home. We are hoping that by the time our Ireland tour rolls around this virus will be a history.
Please take care of yourself. We pray for your good health. After all WE want to enjoy Ireland with YOU!
With well wishes in heart,