Danny O’Flaherty’s Shop

Rainbow Flight


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IT IS NOT SURPRISING that the Irish Echo’s entertainment critic reported that “this remarkable folk band’s calendar of special appearances (in America) is unprecedented for Irish musicians.”

The Celtic Folk’s special concert performances, coupled with their numerous American television appearances, led The Kerryman/Corkman to note approvingly last month that they are “one of the most consistently popular Irish groups on the US scene.”

The Irish Advocate had gone even further, noting last spring that “these men of the Gaelic West have been heard live by as many people as any Irish group that has ever crossed the Atlantic.”

Listen. It is all here: the melody and magic of their instruments, the tears and laughter of their lyrics, the care and respect for the music of the men themselves. If you can hear the Celtic Folk over the bellow of your own voice singing, you are listening to folk music at its very best.

Turlough Faolain

Track List

  1. When Margaret was Eleven
  2. Skim the High Waters
  3. Lady from Bendigo
  4. Love is a Game
  5. Scorn Not His Simplicity
  6. The St. Brendan Song
  7. Daddy’s Castle
  8. The Waiting Game
  9. The Night Ferry
  10. The Fureyman


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Copyright 2024 - Danny O'Flaherty (Hybrasyl Productions)