Danny O’Flaherty’s Shop

From the Heart


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Dear Friends,

All my life, I have wanted to record a group of songs that were meaningful…about things that I believe in.  With “From the Heart”, I have finally been able to achieve this.  Some of the songs I have written, others were written by friends, and still others were written by people who share my deep feelings and personal concerns.

Some of the songs are about love-love of another person, love of country; some are about respect, respect for the environment, respect for all people.  We must all learn to love and respect.

This recording is a testimonial to what I believe and because of these beliefs, all that I am today.  I hope you will enjoy listening as much as I have enjoyed singing them for you.

God Bless,

Daniel O’Flaherty

Track List

  1. Eirinn
  2. Margaret
  3. Generations
  4. Coming Home
  5. My Yellow Rose
  6. Song of Canada
  7. Aran Girl
  8. Angel for a Moment
  9. Amazon
  10. Singing the Spirit Home
  11. Medjugorie
  12. I Didn’t Get a Chance
  13. My Rose
  14. Cyclone from the West


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Copyright 2024 - Danny O'Flaherty (Hybrasyl Productions)