News & Updates

Blushing Bride

Dads and Stepdads have enormous power and potential in their daughters’ lives from the time they are born. This bond is especially strong on a daughter’s wedding day. One of the beautiful highlights of any wedding is the father- daughter…

Happy Winter Solstice!

* Click on highlights for more info * Happy Winter Solstice, a day celebrated for time immortal. Now held on Dec. 21-22, while on ancient calendars, it took place on Dec. 25. For the Celts it marked the celebration of…

A Busy Fall!

I am looking forward to a busy fall with a variety of performances in the southern US. I have several house concerts booked, which are all open to the public.  Also, I will be holding a Gaelic singing workshop at…

Copyright 2024 - Danny O'Flaherty (Hybrasyl Productions)